Villa Deja Vu hotel is your best choice for the comfortable stay in Adler - the warmest and southernmost part of the Greater Sochi, a place where the main part of the Olympic venues are set. Here, all throughout the year, you can experience warm sunlight, lush vegetation, vibrant colors, fresh sea air, beautiful Black Sea shore, lots of fruits, churchkhela and real Caucasian shashlik. Spend your vacation with us and enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience!
We welcome you to stay in the comfort of our hotel located in a very prestigious area with a well-developed infrastructure. Here you can find everything to enjoy your amazing vacation full of unforgettable experiences. Feel comfy and friendly atmosphere! Your stay with us will undoubtedly leave you with pleasant memories and desire to return.
In vicinity to the hotel you can find anything to make your vacation unforgettable.
Villa Deja Vu hotel is located within a walking distance from the beach. There is a delphinarium, water park, amusement park, movie theaters, nightclubs, and a variety of cafés, restaurants, and bars in vicinity to the hotel, as well as playing and swimming pools and a mountain of different locally-owned stores and shops. There are a variety of different kinds of places for leisure and spending time with family, friends or on your own. There is a public bus station as well as a train station nearby.
All rooms are cleaned by KIRBY vacuum cleaner – the best cleaning system in the world as it is said on the website ПЫЛЕСОС.com. The result of this type of cleaning is a reduction of domestic allergens impact. Rooms stay absolutely clean and healthy. There is no place for dust in our hotel!
7:00 am - 11:00 am
Цены и наличие номеров могут меняться динамично, поэтому забронируйте желаемый номер заранее и спокойно ждите вашего отпуска. Отдых в нашем отеле добавит приятные воспоминания о проведённом отдыхе на берегу Чёрного моря.
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